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Extract, Transform...and, send an e-mail!

Author: Eric Rouach, DBA at Madeira Data Solutions

Date: July 2022

If you need to extract data from a SQL Server/Azure SQL database, transform it into a .csv file and send it by mail with just one free tool, the following PowerShell script is just for you!

Just copy and paste the code below into Microsoft Windows PowerShell ISE, replace with the relevant values as indicated in the comments and run:

#Set Variables:

$ServerName = 'YOUR-SERVER-NAME'

$DatabaseName = 'YOUR DB NAME'

$InputFile = 'C:\temp\YourFolder\YourFile.sql'

#replace with your .sql file location path (the .sql file containing your T-SQL code)

#I recommend saving your .sql code in a file rather than pasting it to a Query variable

$TimeStamp = Get-Date -Format "yyyyMMddHHmmss"

#this will generate a unique timestamp which will be part of the new .csv file name

$Path = 'C:\temp\YourFolder\'

#replace with your target folder path

$FileName = 'PowershellTest'+'_'+$TimeStamp+'.csv'

#in this case, the file name will look like "PowershellTest_20220702192532"

$FilePath = $Path+$FileName

#this will provide a value for the -Path parameter of the Export-Csv cmdlet

$MailSender = ''

$MailRecipients = ''

$MailSubject = 'YOUR MAIL SUBJECT'


$MailServiceUserName = ''

#your mail service user name

$MailServicePassword = 'xxxxxxxxxxx'

#your mail service password

#Get Data using Windows Authentication:

$Data = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $DatabaseName -InputFile $InputFile

#Get Data using SQL Authentication

#in case you use SQL Server authentication,

#comment out the Invoke-Sqlcmd command above and uncomment the line below):

#$Data = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $DatabaseName -Username "YourUserName" -Password "YourPassword" -InputFile $InputFile

#Export the Data to a .csv file:

$Data | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -NoTypeInformation

Send-MailMessage -From $MailSender `

-To $MailRecipients.Split(';') `

-Subject $MailSubject `

-Body $MailBoy `

-Attachment $FilePath `

-SmtpServer ` # <===== your mail service SMTP Server

-Port 587 ` # <===== your mail service port

-UseSsl `

-Credential (New-Object `

-TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `

-ArgumentList $MailServiceUserName, `

(ConvertTo-SecureString `

-String $MailServicePassword `

-AsPlainText -Force))




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