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SQL Server - An Intelligent Database

Updated: Jun 25, 2023

Intelligent Database

We live in the era of AI, where bots can do all kinds of tasks for us, AI services can write, draw, and sing, and cars can drive themselves. It's an exciting world!

Databases are no different, and leading the intelligent database era is Microsoft SQL Server. The latest versions of SQL Server, including SQL Server 2022, and the various Azure SQL offerings, include many features built into the query processor, allowing it to automatically identify gaps, analyze them, and improve performance in all kinds of innovative ways.

Does it mean that we no longer need to write efficient queries? Or that we no longer need expert DBAs to pull their performance-tuning tricks?

As part of our partnership with John Bryce, we organized today's webinar dealing with these questions. I demonstrated several automatic performance-tuning features in SQL Server, and we discussed some benefits, limitations, and best practices.

If you missed the webinar, then here is the recording:

I would like to thank again those of you who participated in the webinar. I hope you enjoyed it and learned some new things. I promised to make the session materials available for download, so here they are.

If you liked the content in the webinar, then we have a lot more training to offer you through our Tailor-Made Training or through our partnership with John Bryce.

Contact us, and we would be happy to tailor training to your needs.




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